Liquid Aeration an alternative to Core Aeration

Liquid Aeration is splitting the soil structure at a much smaller scale, than Mechanical Core Aeration, allowing deep penetration of water which roots will in turn follow. It oxidizes soils with Potassium Hydroxide, oxygenating your entire lawn, while increasing soil porosity by adding Humic and Fulvic acids. Liquid Aeration can be applied as a stand-alone service or in combination with a fertilizer application and is even beneficial when used in conjunction with Mechanical Core Aeration.

liquid aeration

Liquid Aeration is a new inorganic oxygen technology that allows oxygen to be sprayed into the rootzone without any physical disruption. It is a complex blend of minerals and microbiology, capable of donating very high numbers of oxygen atoms right through the root zone profile. This has the effect of stimulating aerobic biological activity more evenly than physical aeration. The advantage of aerating with an evenly applied liquid is the lack of physical disruption, which will make an important contribution to revenue and golfer satisfaction.

Fusarium is a new product that delivers oxygen to the thatch layer, which can be extremely difficult to keep aerobic in wet conditions. It significantly improves biological degradation and reduces subsequent build up and water retention. Fusarium will deliver oxygen throughout the surface, allowing the continued degradation of thatch and survival of essential fungi to help promote fine grasses.

Greenkeepers have experienced the root systems getting shorter as the rootzone becomes waterlogged in winter. When oxygen runs out the bacteria in the soil start to metabolise anaerobically i.e. without oxygen. In the absence of oxygen these bacteria use root exudates and thatch to produce small quantities of harmful organic acids. This toxic layer often forms in the dead soil created above the compacted iron bands a few inches below the surface.

The product stimulates all the beneficial aerobic activity that occurs in the rootzone. When grass photosynthesises it produces top growth, but an equal amount of energy in the form of proteins and carbohydrates is leaked through the root systems to feed bacteria which multiply rapidly around the root. This improves the retention and effective uptake of any added organic and inorganic nutrients as well as stimulating the soil bacteria and fungi that encourage healthy plant growth.

Common turf diseases attack weak plants when there are not enough natural biological defence mechanisms in place to offer protection. Some pathogenic fungi such as Fusarium prefer low oxygen conditions because they no longer have competition from the beneficial microbes. In oxygenated soil, bacteria and fungi will recycle nutrient for healthy plant growth to produce strong plants less susceptible to disease.

Liquid Aeration is an inorganic form of oxygen which provides evenly distributed oxygen throughout the year. It may be mixed with almost all organic, biological or inorganic nutrients or additives. For nearly all greens Liquid Aeration will provide the benefits of evenly distributing oxygen while reducing the costs and disruption associated with conventional aeration.
